Bitmjoji of Pete Anziano swinging his arms and smiling in a wheelchair

Pete Anziano

Peer Support Manager

How did you join the Peer Support Program?

A motorcycle accident in 2004, causing a spinal cord injury, brought me here. In my moment of fear for the unknowability of my future, meeting Minna Hong, a Peer Mentor who truly understood, ignited a desire to succeed and to give back. Sharing my journey, advice, and hope became a mission to inspire and represent triumph over catastrophic injury.

What is your role and tenure?

Employed at Shepherd Center since 2006, I lead a dedicated team of folks with first hand experience in what our patients and families are faced with. We serve as a reservoir of experiential insight guiding individuals to reclaim their lives with hope, independence, and dignity. Through carefully designed interventions, we empower patients to advocate for their full inclusion within the community while prioritizing safety and injury prevention. By fostering open dialogues about life's transformative journey, we provide context and support for new patients and families as they navigate the changes that lie ahead beyond our hospital walls.

What is your favorite thing about this program?

My favorite aspect of this program is witnessing the process of transformative learning in action. It's truly remarkable to observe individuals transition from a place of uncertainty to one of empowerment. The profound impact Shepherd Center can have, coupled with human resilience I have the privilege to witness, makes every day incredibly rewarding.

What do you like to do during your leisure time away from work?

During my leisure time away from work, I cherish spending quality moments with my wife and our three wonderful children, ages 21, 5, and 4. Additionally, I indulge in my passion for racing cars, finding thrill and excitement on the track. Another activity that brings me a sense of connection and serenity is gardening. Tending to plants and watching them face challenges and flourish is a beautiful reminder that I am part of a larger, intricate design.